TFY Ireland 2023

We’re so excited to announce that TFY Ireland is returning this August! We held our first conference in 2019 and it was a real encouragement to everyone who attended. We are praying that this year’s conference will be every bit as encouraging and are excited to see how God works as we gather to study his word together.


About TFY Ireland

We don't want you to blindly accept what you are taught in church. We want you to dig deeper into Scripture, ask questions, and become personally convinced by God's message to his people. In other words, we want you to be firmly rooted in the word of Jesus Christ.

We also want you to be built up so you can serve your saviour in the most wonderful place on Earth - the church of Jesus Christ. The Reformed Presbyterian Church may be just one branch of Christ's church, but we believe it is a branch that is precious to Christ and we want to see you love it, commit to it, and serve King Jesus as part of it.


TFY Ireland is an opportunity to spend a week digging deeper. It is an opportunity to ask WHAT our church believes and also WHY it believes it. 

Think of it as a Theological Boot Camp, to give you an intensive course in the biblical doctrines that are at the heart of the Christian life. Over the course of the week you’ll receive in-depth lectures given by experienced pastors on the kingship of Christ, the doctrine of the Church, Covenant theology, worship, worldview, apologetics, evangelism and Church History. These topics will also give you an opportunity to explore and discuss some of the distinctive principles of the RPCI. There will be a bit of time for relaxing and having fun as well, but the emphasis of the week is very much on teaching. You will spend time in lectures, seminars and discussions, all designed to deepen your love for the Lord Jesus Christ and your commitment to his bride, the church.

Along the way you will have the chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones as you join them in exploring the ramifications of God's word for young people in the 21st century.

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16-22 year olds attending the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland


21st to 25th August 2023


Cullybackey Reformed Presbyterian Church

How Much?

£65 (or €75). If you would have difficulties paying this, please indicate when applying.


Apply below

Apply for TFY Ireland 2023

Before applying to TFY Ireland, we ask that you read the following information. If you are happy to abide by these rules, please fill in the application form below.

What is TFY Ireland?

The aim of TFY Ireland is to provide intensive theological instruction to the young people of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland. It is a residential program that will be held at Cullybackey Reformed Presbyterian Church from Monday 21st - Friday 25th August.

What will I do at TFY Ireland?

Each day of TFY Ireland will consist of several hours of lectures as well as seminars and times of discussion. You will also have the opportunity to get to know other young people of our denomination as you spend time with them throughout the week.

Who can apply for TFY Ireland?

Anyone, male or female, aged from 16-22 who is attending a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland or who wishes to find out more about the beliefs of the church. To have your application accepted, you must be recommended by a local session. If you are a little over the age limit, particularly if you had hoped to attend in 2021, we may be able to make allowances for you, so please get in touch.

How much does TFY Ireland cost?

The cost for the conference is £65 (or €75). We would hate for anyone to choose not to attend because they are unable to pay this so if this is the case with you, please let us know when applying. There may be an optional activity during the week which will not be covered by this fee.

What is the application process for TFY Ireland?

Once you have read the information on this page, you can apply by filling in the form below. After you apply, we will contact the session of your congregation to ask them to approve your participation. If you are under 18, we will contact you in order to ask for the consent of a parent or guardian.

After we have contacted your session and parent/guardian, we will email you to inform you of whether your application has been successful.

What will be expected of me at TFY Ireland?

We firmly believe that TFY Ireland will be an enjoyable and worthwhile week for everyone who attends. However, we also want to be clear that it will be an intense week that will involve hard study on your part. This is a wonderful opportunity to dig deeply into the Word of Jesus Christ; we expect you to play your part by participating fully in all the lectures and other activities of the week.

We also expect you to co-operate fully with the TFY Ireland leaders during the week and to remain on site unless they give you permission to leave.


Contact Us

Would you like to find out more about TFY Ireland? Please fill in the contact form below and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can.